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Orari Galleria: Mart – Sab 10:00 – 18:00
Inaugurazione: 17 Aprile, ore 18 -
A cura di Stefania Carrozzini
“Ho sempre considerato l’arte il principale mezzo che gli esseri umani hanno per comunicare tra loro, sentendosi inseriti nella storia e in armonia con la natura. E in questa comunicazione risiede la felicità”. Pierre Restany
“La natura della felicità è la stessa dell’arte: entrambe sono forze rivoluzionarie che muovono dal pensiero e dall’emozione e mettono in gioco valori quali la libertà e la verità. Arte e felicità sono strumenti per comprendere il mondo e la natura umana. Condividono due aspetti fondamentali dell’essere: da una parte il desiderio d’immortalità, di durata nel tempo, l’aspirazione a raggiungere uno stato ideale, quello dell’opera che rappresenta il Tutto, vuole dire il Tutto, la felicità ed infelicità, luce e tenebre. Dall’altra parte vi è la consapevolezza della durata, della caducità, del tempo, di tutto ciò che è effimero, transitorio, terreno. L’artista quando è immerso nel suo lavoro, è totalmente calato in una dimensione che anela alla felicità come stato originario dell’essere, della sua intelligenza creativa. Nel profondo dell’essere umano l’aspirazione alla felicità regna senza riserve. E’ nostro compito difenderla da chi vorrebbe soffocarla.” (tratto dal catalogo ). HAPPINESS è corredata da catalogo con testo introduttivo di Stefana Carrozzini.
For Immediate Release 10/12/2007
Carrozzini von Buhler Gallery
“Tyger, Tyger, burning bright in the forest of the night, what immortal hand or
eye could frame thy fearful symmetry?” -
NEW YORK, NY (October 12, 2007) — The Carrozzini von Buhler Gallery is proud to
presents Wild, a multimedia group exhibition featuring eight Italian artists who
analyze and interpret the definition of “wild.” From abstract paintings and
installations to expressive photography, works on view contradict and captivate
through energetic and intense artistic perspectives. Featured artists include:
Carla Abbondi, Gianluigi Alberio, Ivan Bono, Pierluigi De Lutti, Giovanni
Garasto, Mellà, Alessandro Paseri, Stefano Reja. Wild will be on view Wednesday,
October 30, 2007 through Tuesday, November 13th, 2007, with an opening reception
held on Thursday, April 26th, from 6pm to 8pm.
The word wild can be defined as something uncontaminated and uncontrolled, in
both a symbolic and physical sense. “Throughout life individuals, especially
artists, experience many aspects of this phenomenon,” states curator and gallery
director Stefania Carrozzini. “Artists capture this notion of what is
unconventional and exciting, or slightly exotic by creating artwork in a
contained way, a painting or installation, for example.” The exhibition is
essentially a paradox, a series of preserved expressions meticulously arranged
in a controlled environment and unnatural environment.
For Wild, each artist expresses his or her own interpretation of wild using a
different medium.
Carla Abbondi
creates Alma Blanca, an electric sculpture using optical fibers to give a raw, organic quality to the work.
Alessandro Paseri
manipulates photographic work to exaggerate the surreal while.
Giovanni Garasto
presents an unaltered photograph of a young child with unruly hair and bloody nose.
Ivan Bono
captures a more primitive and literal interpretation through a fusion of cave painting and modern typographic techniques with bold color.
Stefano Reja’s
“Research on Race” distorts and layers a photographic portrait; deconstructing and reconstructing the actual versus perceived identity. The result is a simultaneously striking and restless encounter with the voyeur.
Pierluigi De Lutti and Mellà
render abstract expressionist interpretations are violent and amazing.
Gianluigi Alberio
defines wild by an untamed animal, the cheetah.
Wild is a part of program of special poetry lectures events organized by D’Ars
Foundation & IEP International Exhibition Project (Milan – New York – Beijing).
An extensive catalogue accompanies the exhibition and is available at The
Carrozzini Von Buhler Gallery.
The Carrozzini von Buhler Gallery / CVB Space is a 5000 square foot art
studio, art gallery, film/photo location, and event space in Manhattan's
Meatpacking district. It is owned and directed by artist Cynthia von
Buhler. Stefania Carrozzini is the director of International Exhibition
Project at The Carrozzini von Buhler Gallery. Carrozzini has been an art
critic since 1994 as well as the founder and director of the International
branch D’Ars, which brings European art to the United States and American
art to Europe. Carrozzini lives and works in Milan and New York City.
The Carrozzini von Buhler Gallery is located at 407 West 13th Street,
between 9th Ave. & Washington St. Subway: A, C, E, or L to 14th Street at
8th Ave. Exhibitions hours are Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturday from 1PM –
6PM and by appointment. The exhibition is free and open to the public. The
cocktail reception for Awakening is sponsored by Italian Products. For more
information, please call 646.336.8387, visit, or email
For all press inquiries and visual requests, please contact:
Debra Anderson
Culture Shock Marketing
347.463.9023 or 917.363.6027